“Male PMS”: myth or reality?

Unreasonable irritability, apathy, decrease in performance – it turns out that men also have their own “special days”. And hormones are also to blame for this.

Sharp vibrations of mood, depression, causeless apathy and other symptoms that are usually associated with the beginning of the menstrual cycle in women are also found in men. Some believe that the emotional proximity between partners is manifested – the body of a loving man allegedly adapts to the rhythm, to which the body of a lover obeys.

It sounds doubtful? Of course, because our bodies are too different from the point of view of physiology. But does this mean that men who report symptoms of this kind are just lying around? Let’s figure it out.

The menstrual cycle exists in order to prepare the female genitals for fertilization. A few days before and, in some cases, a few weeks after the start of menstruation in the woman’s body, there is an imbalance of hormones. The sensations that a woman experiences at this time, and received the name “premenstrual syndrome”, or PMS.

Men do not have menstrual, headaches and swelling, which are subject to cyclic laws. But their hormonal background can also change.

In fact, the “male PMS” is not a medical concept, but an attempt to find the term similar in meaning to describe a special psychological state caused by the changes in hormones.

For the first time, the Scottish physician Gerald Lincoln drew attention to him and even proposed the name – “Announced Men Syndrome”, or SRM. In 2005, the therapist Jed Diamond in the book of the same name first described in detail how the SRM manifests itself and which processes determine it.

“Contrary to widespread opinion, men become irritable when they decrease the level of testosterone, and not vice versa. Irritability, depression and departure – a consequence of the lack of this hormone in the body, ”Diamond explains.

Diamond advises men who can affect the SRM, track their hormonal cycles. “Each of us is manifested in our own way, but we are quite able to https://littlepink.in/2023/06/05/improve-your-fears-skills/ prepare for it,” the therapist notes. – The problem is that this phenomenon is not yet fully realized and studied. Many simply do not attach any importance to this “.

The good news is that male and female “cycles” cannot affect each other and the opportunity to become infected with symptoms from another – nothing more than a fantasy. “Our studies have shown that only female hormonal cycles can synchronize with each other. Manifestations of CRM cannot cause a similar reaction in another man or woman if they live together, ”Diamond reassures.

Is it possible to minimize the inconvenience associated with SRM? According to Diamond, the solution to this problem includes proper nutrition and exercises. Therapy can also include the intake of the hormone testosterone – if its level in a man is stably low.

Facts about hormonal vibrations in men that Diamond quotes:






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