Category: FinTech

  • Bullish and Bearish Wedges Stock Chart Patterns

    Trading consolidated between two lines that edged ever closer to each other, but shortly before the lines met the index broke below support and began a bear run. Not all wedges will end in a breakout – so you’ll want to confirm the move before opening your position. Paying attention to volume figures is really…

  • The difference between MT4 and MT5 EBC Financial Group

    The most significant distinction between the MetaTrader platforms lies in the asset classes to trade and available markets. Developed primarily with forex trading in mind, MT4 allows users to trade other products as CFDs. It does not afford them access to multiple financial markets, however. MT4 is one of the most popular forex trading platforms…

  • Which Crypto to Buy Now? How To Do Your Own Research DYOR

    Warren Buffett, arguably the most successful investor alive, argues that if you don’t feel comfortable holding a stock for 10 years, you shouldn’t hold it for 10 minutes. Accordingly, if you aren’t willing to hold a crypto for a decent length of time, you probably haven’t done enough research to invest in it (unless of…

  • Что такое CRM и все, что ее касается!

    Скорость, точность приёмки и отгрузки товаров на складе — краеугольный камень в E-commerce бизнесе. Начни использовать современные, более эффективные мобильные инструменты. Они покупают снова и снова, пробуют новую аналитический crm продукцию, советуют компанию друзьям и становятся своеобразными амбассадорами бренда. Если вы все еще сомневаетесь, нужна ли вам CRM, или подходящую ли вы выбрали технологию, попробуйте…