Ought to Courts Prohibit Access to Electronic Documents?

From the Winter 2001 issue in the News Media & The Law, web page 17.

Courts around the region are developing and acquiring the technology to provide Net or electronic digital access to court public records. It can make reports searches more rapidly and more efficient for the press and members of the public. Yet privacy hobbies are compelling some process of law to query whether to permit such broad access to courthouse documents.

A number of says are considering new rules with regards to electronic access to court records. Some of them proposals limit electronic use of specific types of details, including legal case documents. These types of records are more sensitive and present more potential intended for privacy concerns than municipal case data. Other proposals are more extensive and will allow the general public to watch most records, but with restrictions on specific data elements or categories of information such as social reliability numbers or medical data.

The judiciary is seeking public responses on these kinds of proposals. In case you are interested in the issue, you should contact your state’s lawmakers and ask these to support changes to mention open files laws that permit extensive access to every court records, no matter their type. You should also inspire attorneys to make contact with their selected officials http://www.vdr-soft.net/what-is-a-ddq/ and urge them to go against sb/sth ? disobey any proposals that control access to electric records.






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